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WenZhou LongWan DongHai Butterfly Valve Factory
Showing 1 - 5 of 5, total 1 pages [First] [Previous] [Next] [Last]
d673h pneumatic wafer multi-layer metal-to-metal butterfly valve
Specification: 3inch-48inch
Detail: D673H pneumatic wafer multi-layer metal-to-metal butterfly valve
d643h pneumatic flanged hard seal butterfly valve
Specification: 3inch-48inch
Detail: Pneumatic Flanged Hard Seal Butterfly Valve
electric flanged hard seal butterfly valve
Specification: 2
Detail: This product is composed of body,disc,gasket,operating device etc. The structure design according to principle of three dimensional eccentricity,new processing technology of flexidle seal and hard&soft multiple layers seal,whe...
multiple layers flange metal hard seal butterfly valve
Specification: 3inch-48inch
Detail: This product is composed of body,disc,gasket,operating device etc. The structure design according to principle of three dimensional eccentricity,new processing technology of flexidle seal and hard&soft multiple layers seal,whe...
multiple layers wafer metal hard seal butterfly valve
Specification: 3inch-48inch
Detail: This product is composed of body,disc,gasket,operating device etc. The structure design according to principle of three dimensional eccentricity,new processing technology of flexidle seal and hard&soft multiple layers seal,whe...
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